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Hijos De La Magia

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Lo que ha descubierto Ziara sobre sí misma lo cambia todo. Ahora que es consciente de su poder, mil preguntas la atormentan cada segundo. Quién es? Cuál es su lugar? Merecía la pena dejar a Redka atrás y sacrificar su futuro juntos? Redka nunca había tenido dudas... hasta ahora. Ziara ha cambiado su mundo, y su huida lo ha colocado entre la espada y la pared. Tendrá que tomar una decisión crucial: le debe lealtad al rey o a su corazón? Mientras buscan respuestas y lidian con las secuelas de un amor aparentemente imposible, nuevos peligros y secretos amenazarán sus vidas y las de sus aliados, y pondrán en jaque el futuro del reino. ESTÁ EN SUS MANOS EL DESTINO DE CATHALIAN? 
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION What Ziara has discovered about herself changes everything. Now that she is aware of her powers, millions of questions torment her every second. Who is she? What is her place? Was it worth leaving Redka behind and sacrificing their future together? Redka had never had doubts... until now. Ziara changed his world, and her escape has left him between a rock and a hard place. He will have to make a crucial decision: does he owe allegiance to the king or to his heart? As they seek answers and deal with the aftermath of what seems to be an impossible love, new dangers and secrets will threaten their lives and that of their allies, jeopardizing the kingdom's future. COULD CATHALIAN'S DESTINY BE IN THEIR HANDS?


Andrea Longarela


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